Starting 4PM SATURDAY MAY 21ST Corazon Performing Arts will host ‘UP The Drone 5”. Wind in the Willows
Bees Round Their Queen
Cows in the Meadow
The Bean-Sidhe’s Keen
The Drone is our Constant
A Carrier Wave
The Bold have had their Day
The Meek are on the Way (JM) Performers include (MORE TO BE ANNOUNCED: Modular Sound Bath —Miss Majestic—Mercury Seven—Electric Coyote— Vikain—Ham Scholar—PoetStrangeLove—Loop Zeppelin—Norton Wisdom—Dr One—Tom Honey—++++ LIVE PAINTING WITH NORTON WISDOM SUNDAY 3PM +++++++ LIVE PRINTING BY MATHERS – BRING YOUR SURFACE OF CHOICE +++++ DAWN SOUND BATH BY VIKAIN ++++ DON’T FORGET YOUR BLANKEY +++++++++Words and images copyright James Mathers+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++PARTICIPANTS
@wisdommathers @corazontopanga @nowisdom @electric_coyote_orchestra @trance_farmers @vikain @fancyfeces @arielxpink @timogaramusic @evan_hatfield.mp3 @gluemoonrecords @nora_keyes @primalswirlings @timogaramusic @elf_freedom @holy_tones @themercurysevenmusic @sound.odyssey @lordblobbie @hamscholar @spooby_mcglue @joelshearer @skinnybritchesmusic @modularsoundbath @loop_zeppelin @the_agent_h @galactichistorymovie @melisseofficianale @ghost.ark @auslander1984 @spiral.alexRob McGill Ham Scholar
Tom Honey Ham Scholar
SFV Acid
Nanny Cantelope
Poet Strange Love
Andy Sykora
DJ Twisti
Sgt Leper
Tom Boram
Crushed Blacks
Sara Marble
Dr. One Ramsey
Miss Majestic
Donkey Bone Chronicles
Orphean Sound Circle
AfsaniClassical ambient, Darkwave, Guided meditation, Industrial noise, Soundbath Bowling, Feedback, Primal Hiss, Sonic Decayists, Assault Loop, Yodelists, Hummers, Chanters, Synth Disassemblers, Gongists, Fermenters, Diggery Dooists, Doomcore, Throat Singers, Breathers, Distortionists, Collagists, Sense Memory Mind Worms, and many, many more. Discrete genres and purpose built sonic architectures have emerged literally everywhere. The Drone is Big. To drone is Long, stretching back beyond Eno, beyond the Gregorians, or even our aboriginal ancestors, beyond nature, whale song, wind and ice, beyond even the songs of the planets and stars. It is emergent worldwide as a vehicle to express the inexpressible.