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The Fantasy of Sylvia Park 
The coin is a little bigger than a quarter. It isn’t decorative, but it has a nice weight to it, and the words stamped on...
Chapparal Yucca 
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Life on the Edge: Endangered Species 
The least Bell’s vireo, a small songbird most Angelinos have never seen or even heard of, has been in the news lately. This federally listed...
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Keep the Mountains Poison Free!

Courtesy of National Park Service
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Despite a concerted campaign to ban rodenticides by wildlife advocacy groups like Poison Free Malibu, these anticoagulant toxins remain a major cause of death for wildlife in the Santa Monica Mountains and throughout the county. AB 1788, an assembly bill authored by Santa Monica Mountains area Representative Richard Bloom that seeks to restrict the use of this class of pesticides statewide, will be voted on later this year. 

On July 30, 2020 Assembly Bill (AB) 1788, the California Ecosystems Protection Act, which would limit the sale of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides, is back, and headed for the Senate Appropriations Committee. Coauthors Senator Henry Stern and Assemblymember Richard Bloom are optimistic that the bill can pass, but support is needed.

Read the text of the bill. Contact the committee

Poison Free Topanga

Poison Free Malibu

Poison Free Agoura

California Wildlife Center

Progress on AB-1788 Pesticides: use of second generation anticoagulant rodenticides.