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The Fantasy of Sylvia Park 
The coin is a little bigger than a quarter. It isn’t decorative, but it has a nice weight to it, and the words stamped on...
Chapparal Yucca 
We saw the white fire of the yucca, Lighting the mountains— And still along the trail Spring’s flowers lingered for summer. —Madeleine Ruthven, “Yerba Buena,”...
A Day at the Beach 
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Life on the Edge: Endangered Species 
The least Bell’s vireo, a small songbird most Angelinos have never seen or even heard of, has been in the news lately. This federally listed...
Tanya Starcevich Banner

Last updated 4/10/2024.

Many thanks to Sarah Priest for her efforts to update our list

Dan McNeil            310-455-2234

Delmar Lathers     310-455-1549

Sharon Shingai     818-517-0255  (accepts donations)

Last updated 6/1/2021.

Bo Slyapitch,

Dan Mac Neil H/310-455-2234 C/818-730-7379

Delmar Lathers 310-455-1549

Greg Grether 310-455-4334 (not confirmed) 

Lucas Haralson 718-781-7110

Lyric Wilson 310-990-3517

Jason McElroy- So Cal Snake Removal 818-489-4719 (charges $100 or more)

Jayni Shuman 310-455-3553 or 310-570-5339 

John McNeil 310-455-2013 

Sharon Shingai 818-517-0255

Suzie Doton 818-943-3033 (available after the shut down) 

Victoria Payne 310-384-5763

Victoria Rose – 310-384-3033 (donations appreciated)