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Cinco de Mayo Comes to Topanga 

Topanga New Times Inaugural Issue, May 8, 2020

This isn’t a newspaper. It’s not a replacement for the much loved local paper currently on hiatus, or a competitor for that paper when it returns in a new incarnation. Instead, the Topanga New Times is meant as a lifeline during one of the most difficult times in living memory. We hope it will be a way to bridge the gap and provide essential community information, a calendar of online events, and coronavirus emergency resources. This is a way to give our neighbors reassurance, support our local businesses, give advertisers the reach they need, recognize the efforts made by many, and share a little canyon spirit to help all of us cope with the fallout of this global disaster.

We would love to hear from you, Topanga. Send us your thoughts, ideas, tips for getting through the crisis, personal experiences, anything you would like to share to help all of us get through this time. Contact us at

We’ll be publishing a print edition every other week, and updating the content online. We will keep doing this as long as there is a need. We are in this together, even if we are together apart, and we are going to get through it, together.

Thank you for reading!

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