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Topanga New Times
Photo by Janek Dombrowa

Topanga New Times 

The Topanga New Times is meant as a new kind of publication, launched during one of the most difficult times in living memory.

We came together to publish the Topanga New Times as a way to help Canyon residents to find resources and stay connected during the coronavirus pandemic, yet we are here for the long haul. We chose the name because we are truly living through something new and challenging. Topanga is part of a larger community–the mountain communities of the Santa Monica Mountains–and we all share in this current experience. As a mountain community we also share our love and reverence for the privilege of living so close to nature, the desire to keep this Wildland Urban Interface, (the “Wooeee“) as untrampled as possible while always seeking ways to successfully share our space with our flora and fauna neighbors.

Topanga New Times, as a print publication, is supported by a large media universe of websites, videos, social media channels and our newest endeavor, TNTV. Through this mediaverse we aim to give our neighbors knowledge and reassurance; bring people together through common cause; support our local businesses, and give advertisers the reach they need; recognize the efforts made by many, and share a little canyon spirit.

We would love to hear from you, Topanga and all our friends in the Santa Monica Mountains. We are a community of communities tied together by these mountains we live in. Send us your thoughts, ideas, tips for learning and thriving through these times, personal experiences, and anything else you would like to see us share. We’ll be publishing a print edition every other week, constantly updating content online, and broadcasting our various shows on all of our social media channels.

Our longer term goal is to build a one-stop resource for living in the Wooeee. We all face the threat of wildfire, enjoy the proximity of wildlife and want to do our best to live ecologically and in balance with nature. Be with us as we address all these issues and more; we all want to be good stewards of the Wooeee. We are in this together, even if we are together apart, and we are going to get through it, together.

If you have suggestions, ideas, comments, or questions, please email us at or individually at [firstname]

Thank you for reading!

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