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Theatricum Announces Online Offerings
ArtBeat, Resources

Theatricum Announces Online Offerings 

Announcement for Theatricum’s Distance Learning Programs

Theatricum Botanicum is excited to announce our Distance Learning Academy of the Classics for 2020! Since space and time are so different this summer, we’re excited to offer a completely different menu of classes, all taught online, via Zoom! Our philosophy of arts education does not change – we seek to encourage collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking in a positive, nurturing environment. We’ve organized the summer so that you can choose what’s best for your family: Take a single class! Build a “camp day” for your student(s)! Engage in something fun for the whole family! Or, Brush up your Shakespeare for yourself!

We hope that you will join us for an Theatricum Academy class, workshop, or intensive – we know that you will leave inspired! We look forward to seeing you online until we can be together again in person again! and click “Take Classes”

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