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Topanga Artist Studio Tour Reimagined
Silk painting by Carole Carpenter. Photos courtesy of the artists
ArtBeat, Events

Topanga Artist Studio Tour Reimagined 

The challenges of this year have asked us to separate the important from the disposable. It’s not just prioritizing – it’s what are we keeping and what we are letting go. The artists of Topanga don’t need to ask the question. Art is staying—and specifically, the annual Topanga Artist Studio Tour is staying. Art is important, and “live” art from local artists is important. So, the annual event that brings together local artists to provide a unique experience in Topanga is not disposable, even for a year. It just has to be done differently for now. And so it is. 

Each year the Topanga Artists Studio Tour is presented by the Topanga Canyon Gallery. Half of the 40+ artist participants are members of the gallery, who show their work all year at the Gallery. The other half are local artists that use this event to present their work once a year to the southern Los Angeles community by showing at their home studios. 

These are the Guest Artists of the Studio Tour. Their work will be the focus of “Topanga Canyon Studio Tour Reimagined” at Topanga Canyon Gallery and online from October 17 – November 8. 

Some of their work was presented in June at the Studio Tour online auction. The annual silent auction of unique smaller pieces is a popular part of the Studio Tour, and was reimagined as an online auction when the Tour itself would have taken place in June. It was by far the most successful auction in the history of the Studio Tour. The “re-imagining” proved a great new approach to the traditional silent auction. 

Now the artists will present their current body work in the gallery and online for four weeks starting this Saturday, October 17. The variety that art lovers experience going from studio to studio during the tour is now in the gallery and in an engaging online show. Look for wall art in sizes large and small, including pieces by local favorites Debbi Green, Zo Frampton, Calamity Cole, and Megan Geer-Alsop. The show also features functional art from well-known participants: ceramics by Kirsty Iredale and Brooke Freund; glass plates from Zoe Topsfield; and more. Patrons will welcome new tour participant Melissa Flynn, who paints in oils; Dana Liston, who creates assemblages, and photographer Sejal Saralya.

View the tour online or stop by in person, Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 5 p.m. Topanga Canyon Gallery, 120 N Topanga Canyon Blvd, Topanga, CA 90290,

Editor’s note: Many of the Topanga Canyon Gallery’s featured artists were showcased with interviews and virtual studio tours for TNTV’s Magical Artists Tour series. Visit our Facebook page,, to watch all 11 episodes!

Zoe Topsfield
Melissa Flynn
Brooke Freund

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