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The Topanga Actors Company Short-Play Festival 2023

The Topanga Actors Company Short-Play Festival 2023 

Four intrepid members of Topanga Actors Company have expertly sifted through as many as 400 short play entries from playwrights all over the globe, and narrowed it down to fourteen phenomenal plays to be put to the stage (well, Topanga Library “stage”) on November 4th, 5th, 18th, and 19th.

Roles have been assigned, directors matched to actors, and all for plays that begin and end in only ten to fifteen minutes. In the collection of short plays, TAC company members will play multiple parts, thrilling audiences in their abilities to embody many diverse roles. 

The generous playwrights who have donated their works to TAC for this festival come from a wide variety of writing backgrounds. There are published novelists, poets, and television producers, as well as writers who are still getting their M.F.A.s and those whose production history is limited. TAC is grateful to every playwright who contributed.

The Topanga Actors Company Short-Play Festival will be divided into two weekends. The first seven plays will be read and performed November 4th and 5th, and the remaining seven on the 18th and 19th. 

Programs are free, with open seating, and will last about ninety minutes. To see a list of the finalists go to For more information contact [email protected]

This event is for adults, as some content is mature.

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