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Topanga Actors Company Presents: <em data-lazy-src=

Topanga Actors Company Presents: Farm Hall 

An inspired staged reading of an exciting new play by Katherine Moar based on real events—the provocative engrossing drama of what happened at England’s Farm Hall in 1945. Six top nuclear German scientists are cut off from the outside world. How do they see their futures now that their homeland is broken? Then comes the inconceivable news that America has built an atomic bomb and dropped it on Japan.

Come see the incredible staged reading of Farm Hall, with Ben Birmingham, Edward Giron, Mark Invingsen, Bill Pierce, Andy Spring, and Tom Waters. FREE/open seating and library parking

~Topanga Library at 2pm on February 17th and 18th, 

~Malibu Library at 2pm on February 24th and 25th.

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