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Topanga’s TCEP Recognized by Los Angeles CountyBoard of Supervisors

Topanga’s TCEP Recognized by Los Angeles CountyBoard of Supervisors 

Shown above are Britt Trotter, Kristin Brumfield, LA County Supervisor Lindsey Horvath, TCEP President James Grasso, and Sophie Trotter, TCEP’s youngest Disaster Radio Team member. Photo by Denis Hannigan

The Topanga Coalition for Emergency Preparedness (TCEP) recently received a commendation from the County Board of Supervisors for the non-profit organization’s “deep commitment to emergency preparedness, communication, and Topanga community safety, including during the recent storm.” The commendation was arranged by Supervisor Horvath. No other community in the county has a volunteer organization like TCEP, which was founded in the aftermath of the Old Topanga fire in 1993, and continues to provide disaster outreach, advocacy, communication, information, and assistance for all residents of Topanga. TCEP representatives received a hand-calligraphed scroll at a ceremony during the February 12 Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors meeting in Downtown Los Angeles.

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