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Quinoa Pancakes

Quinoa Pancakes 

Eating these delicious quinoa pancakes is a guilt-free pleasure given the superfood they are based upon. All photos by Nathalie Krull

Since changing to a gluten-free diet, I have discovered a lot of creative, healthy ways to have some of those dishes that I might otherwise long for. I didn’t used to eat pancakes much, but somehow feeling like I can’t have them anymore has had a certain effect on my desires for them. Quinoa being gluten free seemed like a great grain to experiment with. It’s not usual to find it prepared in sweeter dishes, but believe me it sure does go well. 

Surprisingly, quinoa pancakes make great savory wraps and pizza crusts.

Quinoa is considered a superfood, and has so many health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants that protect the body from damaging free radicals. It is loaded with fiber, minerals, vitamins, and magically is a complete protein, containing all nine amino acids. Making a treat like pancakes with quinoa feels so much better than the old-fashioned classic wheat flour way. All you need are a few simple ingredients, and you too can be eating a healthy, vegan, gluten free, and protein packed breakfast.

I also have found that if you omit the vanilla extract, cinnamon, and any sweet topping, these can be used as wraps for sandwiches, soft taco shells, or used as mini pizza crusts. They are super versatile! I add the green superfood powder for an extra nutrient punch… You really can’t taste it, and it makes them a fun green color, but you can leave it out if you don’t have any, or simply don’t want to put it in. 

Let’s get to it…


  1. 1 cup organic soaked quinoa (overnight, or at least for 1 hour)
  2. ½ cup water
  3. 1 scoop green superfood powder (optional) 
  4. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (omit if using for quinoa wraps)
  5. 1 teaspoon coconut oil- plus more for cooking
  6. Dash of cinnamon (optional—omit if using for quinoa wraps)
  7. ¼ teaspoon salt
  8. Toppings for your finished pancakes- maple syrup, hemp hearts, sliced banana, and a sprinkle of salt.

White, or red quinoa both work the same for this recipe.  Soak the uncooked quinoa in a bowl of cool water overnight ideally, but if you are strapped for time, at least 1 hour. The longer you soak the quinoa the easier it is to blend. Soaking quinoa also helps remove phytic acid, which helps you digest it. Then drain the quinoa in a fine mesh strainer, and rinse until water runs clear.

Add the quinoa, water, 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, scoop of super green powder, salt, vanilla, and cinnamon to a high -speed blender. I used to have a nutri- bullet blender that worked perfect for this. Now, I have a regular high -speed blender. It takes a little more effort to get things blended till smooth in the blender. You need to stop it every once in a while, and scrape down the sides. Do your best to process ingredients until smooth, no matter what appliance you have. Use a non-stick pan coated with a little melted coconut oil to keep things slippery. Pour a small amount of the batter into the heated pan, spread the batter by tilting the pan around.

Cook for 2-3 minutes or until bubbles form on the surface, and the sides appear dry. Flip with a spatula and cook the other side for about 1 minute. I love to sprinkle raw hemp seeds, sliced banana, and pour a bit of pure maple syrup on top of my pancakes. Delish! Seriously, you’ve got to try them. They are truly winners. Here’s to trying new ways of cooking, adding in healthy ingredients and crowding out the bad. I wish you great luck and good health on all of your cooking adventures.

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