PARTY TIME! It’s my favorite time of year, the 6th annual P-22 Day Festival & Urban
Wildlife Week, featuring a week’s worth of fun events and a big day in my honor!
I want you humans to be safe, so we have a combination of virtual and in-person events
(with limited attendance). For the P-22 Day Festival on October 23, from 11:00 am to 4:00
pm in Griffith Park, we won’t be able to have the full festival of exhibits or a main stage. But
stop by anytime during the festival to see a coexistence display by the Cougar
Conservancy or to shop at the #SaveLACougars store. You can also sign-up for a series of
walks and talks being held on Festival day.
My humans do ask that if you attend any in-person events or stop by the cougar store at
the Festival, that you are fully vaccinated, and children who are not eligible for vaccinations
are required to wear masks.
You can also celebrate with me from your own home! We have many virtual events
throughout the week so stay tuned to my Facebook page, and we’ll be broadcasting live
from the P-22 Day Festival with some special guests.
To attend virtually: P-22’s Wildlife Wonderland, is A FREE and FUN virtual experience
celebrating people and wildlife coexisting across the world. Register now to join us on
October 23 for cool exhibits, interactive games, virtual walks & talks, live musical
performances, a kids activity area, and a chance to win puma prizes!