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What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do
Work/Life Balance

What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do 

There are times when we just don’t know what to do—what the right decision is, what the next best step would be, where we should go or not go, etc. 

It’s a normal part of the strange evolutionary journey of being a human. There are moments and seasons of clear, decisive action and there are others when we feel unclear and that our lives are going in circles. The clear, decisive times are fun and easy; we get to just move forward! It’s the unclear moments that really test our faith and resilience. How strong is your trust in yourself, or perhaps in a higher power during these times? Are you remembering that you are just as metamorphic as a butterfly? If the caterpillar doesn’t go through the uncomfortable experience of the cocoon, the butterfly never manifests. The icky, yucky, messy, confusing cocoon is where the real transformation happens. 

So, if you happen to be finding yourself feeling unsure and unclear, know that it’s just a moment in time. You will feel clear and know what to do again soon. There are invisible forces recalibrating your world right now. It’s important to let it be and do your best to not worry too much. What is meant for you will always find you. 

In case these words feel airy fairy for you, here are some practical things you can do to steady your mind if you find yourself swimming in the Divine Unknown. 

  • Take a break from all the thinking and just get really present. Tune into your senses. What are you currently seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting, experiencing. Presence is the best antidote for worry. Worry is panicking about a future that has not happened or may never happen. Presence is what is actually here and we rob ourselves of the present moment by going into worry. So, take some deep breaths and get acclimated to where you actually are, right here and now. If this feels challenging, simplify it by going to the breath. Literally just sit down and focus all of your attention on your inhale and your exhale. That’s it. Try it for just five minutes. 
  • Clean and purge. Just start cleaning your house. Do the dishes, the laundry, take out the trash. Go through your closets, junk drawers, garage, attic, etc. and do a purge of all the things you are not using. In addition to feeling more organized, this will actually really help clear a lot of mental and energetic real estate inside your mind. The less cluttered your internal and external environment is, the more space there is for new ideas to come in, so this helps in multiple ways. 
  • Move your body—walk, run, dance, jump, stretch, do yoga, play basketball. The best way to move stagnant energy is to literally move. Not only will this help you feel better physically, it will kickstart the production of different chemicals in your system, giving you access to new thoughts and feelings and will help you get out of a rut and maybe come up with a new perspective. 
  • Go outside. Nature is the best teacher. All we have to do is listen. By simply witnessing a plant’s growth cycle, we can be reminded of how all things go through this process where it appears that nothing is changing, but in reality, many, many things are changing under the surface, beyond what we can see. And it is this internal or below the surface change that is prepping us for the upcoming bloom we’ll soon experience. Nature reminds us of the cyclical nature of it all. You will not be here forever. It’s impossible. 
  • Lastly, find a way to feel gratitude for this moment. Make a list of all the things that are good in your world—perhaps you currently have access to food and shelter, or you have a healthy body, a good brain, people who love you. Think of all the challenges you have already overcome. Your success rate of moving beyond those has already been 100%. 

If you’ve got more tips to share, please send us an email. We love hearing from you and value your thoughts and feelings!

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  1. Steve Hess

    OMG – you just nailed it for me. I really needed your insight. Thank you!

    1. Olivia

      So happy to be of service.

  2. Tess

    Wonderfully peaceful article, yet contains practical, “apply it now” actions. Thank you this was timely.

    1. Olivia

      Love receiving this feedback, Tess. Thank you.

  3. What to Do When You Dont Know What to Do - Part 2 - Topanga New Times

    […] The last time I wrote an article, it was this same title. I’m adding a part 2 to this today because as soon as I had turned it in, I started thinking of so many other things I wanted to add. In part 1, I went over some foundational things that I think we all need to be reminded of when things feel murky and unclear. You can check them out here. […]

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