The Topanga Peace Alliance 227th Consecutive First Friday Film Night Presents the NEW documentary:
Common Ground
Friday, May 3rd, 2024
Zoom Opens at 7:15 pm, Program at 7:30 pm Pacific Time
Meeting ID: 863 1125 6046
Passcode: Peace2022 The Topanga Peace Alliance has been very fortunate to procure a license to show this new film while it is still in theaters. “Common Ground” is an inspiring new movie showing the promise of “Regenerative Agriculture.” It demonstrates the extraordinary benefits of no-till cultivation, planting cover crops, greatly reducing agrochemicals, and carefully managing grazing to protect human health, reduce greenhouse gases, limit damage to the environment, and give farmers greater profits from their crops.In the words of Woody Harrelson:
“’Common Ground’ is a love letter to our children. It’s an urgent call to action that takes chemical companies to task for selling toxic products, explains specific methods for regenerative agriculture and shows a plan for how to put farmers back to work and stabilize the climate. The film has a unifying, nonpartisan message. In essence, “Common Ground” is a blueprint for securing our future.We stand at a crossroads, facing two paths. One leads to climate chaos, food shortages, deserts expanding and a biodiversity crash. The other involves rethinking our relationship with nature by choosing regenerative agriculture. The regenerative path can give us abundant, nutritious food, thriving ecosystems and a future for generations to come.”