On December 9th it will be two months since I performed
Wild At Hart live for the Women’s Voices Festival at Namba
Arts in Ventura, CA. So many wanted to see it but live
elsewhere and I don’t know when it will be live again, so
I’ve created an online opportunity to watch the show and
have an interactive workshop immediately following. It’s
the next best thing to seeing you in person – at least I can
see your beautiful faces without masks!
Watch the critically-acclaimed performance and
dive into the workshop that will highlight personal
healing, how to cope in a trauma-filled world AND
give you tools to manage the holiday season!
The holidays can bring joy and uncomfortable emotions
and stress. It may be family triggers, feeling alone or the
fall-out from overindulging and spending. It can be grief
from loss of loved ones, such as my father passed in March
and this is the first holiday season he will be gone. You are
not alone. There is help and there is hope. There is relief
and healing when we share and hear each other’s stories.