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Magical Artists Tour Recap
ArtBeat, TNTV

Magical Artists Tour Recap 

The Topanga Canyon Gallery Artists Studio Tour has always been a highlight of Topanga summers where art lovers from all over follow a colorful map to visit clusters of artists throughout Topanga and individual artists in their eclectic home studios.

With hope in their hearts, the Gallery coop members have postponed the tour until August due to Covid-19; but in its place created a first-ever online auction of their collection of 8” by 8” art pieces, a masterful miniature sampling of the art of their members.

Topanga New Times offered the Gallery another pick-me-up: online interviews with some of the Gallery artists, giving a virtual touch reminiscent of the Studio Tour when one could speak directly with the artist about their work. This past week several interviews have been aired on Facebook at the Topanga New Times page and the interviews are getting multiple views and shares as they have turned out to be quite entertaining. 

The auction features 50 small works in a wide variety of mediums. Sculptor Susan Nissman and tile artist Matt Doolin have both contributed ceramic wall hangings, while artist and illustrator Calamity Cole has entered a detailed drawing of wild children and fox spirits and Kit Plumridge offers three dimensional leather pieces, like the one pictured below that sold within ten minutes of the opening “bell”. 

The art auction has been running since June 6 but ends this Saturday, June 20. Last minute participants can still bid or buy remaining pieces. To participate, view the artwork, and learn more about the gallery, visit And, if you have missed the auction and the spirit guides you, go to the Gallery’s GoFundMe campaign on their homepage.

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