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ArtBeat, Events

Don’t Let the %$@#! Get You Down! 

There is a new art show at Topanga Canyon Gallery that can be enjoyed in person on Saturdays and Sundays from 12-5 p.m., or from home at any time at

Ruth by Toby Salkin

“It’s been a year of questions and changing expectations,” the announcement for the show states.  “Many of your experiences are expressed by the artists, with the work in this show.  Your language and wishes – for comfort, for familiar, for challenge and hope – are expressed in a variety of styles and mediums by the talented artists exhibiting.”

Remembering Rain by Lois York

The included artworks include painting, photography, and sculpture, glass and ceramics. The goal is to soothe the soul. “The people and places represented will warm your heart, and the stunning array of color will energize and calm you simultaneously.”

“Individually and collectively, we have lots of important things to think about and decisions to make right now. Serious things. We need to find joy and beauty for balance. Art is a perfect channel to do that.  Sure, we escape with our screens – but art provides an avenue for thought, appreciation, and concrete connection to other human beings. “Don’t Let the %$@#! Get You Down” is being presented for that very purpose.”

 The show will run from Saturday, September 25, through Sunday, October 11.

Topanga Canyon Gallery, 120 N Topanga Canyon Blvd., Topanga, CA 90290

310-455-7909, Open Saturdays and Sundays Noon -5 p.m.

Ikebana by Moises Mendoza

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