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The Topanga Actors Company Presents <em>The Children</em>

The Topanga Actors Company Presents The Children 

The Topanga Actors Company presents The Children by Lucy Kirkwood. The Los Angeles Times called his Twilight Zone-eque drama, “Sly, gripping, darkly funny…This is sci-fi kitted out with real people, real dilemmas, real scope. It’s really good.” 

The play revolves around two retired nuclear scientists, who live in an isolated cottage by the sea, watching as the world around them crumbles. Then an old friend arrives with a frightening request.  

This production from Topanga Actors Company features

Jessica Hendra, Stephen Hoye, and Jeanette Vigne. Three free Zoom performances: April 23. 24, 25 at 7 p.m. Link: 

For more information about the production visit TAC on Facebook

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