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Topanga Community Center to Reactivate Community Compost Facility 

TCC is excited to invite all TCC members to sign up for this year long soil regeneration and garden pilot project!

Beginning January 15, 2022, members will have access to regular drop off hours (TBD) as well as quarterly training opportunities to become soil stewards. Access to email instructions, composting updates, and direct support will be offered as well.

By registering to participate you are helping our community transform its organic waste into nutrient rich soil that can be used in the garden and to grow delicious food!

As climate education experts, Full Circle Compost will be revitalizing the existing compost bin and supporting TCC members throughout the program. This program is hosted for free through an LA County grant.

The reactivation of this program is timely. Senate Bill 1383 takes effect January 1 and requires all residents and businesses to separate compostable green waste into a separate bin that will be provided by each community’s waste service. 

TCC’s efforts along with the new statewide mandate have the potential to greatly reduce both the amount of garbage that ends up in landfills and the methane that organic waste generates.

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