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The Fantasy of Sylvia Park 
The coin is a little bigger than a quarter. It isn’t decorative, but it has a nice weight to it, and the words stamped on...
Chapparal Yucca 
We saw the white fire of the yucca, Lighting the mountains— And still along the trail Spring’s flowers lingered for summer. —Madeleine Ruthven, “Yerba Buena,”...
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The least Bell’s vireo, a small songbird most Angelinos have never seen or even heard of, has been in the news lately. This federally listed...
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RCD Fundraiser 

The Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains is hosting an event to celebrate the summer solstice and our local environment but we need your help! The RCD is hosting another silent auction starting now and ending on this year’s summer solstice, June 21st

Enter your bid for this breathtaking painting pictured above by artist Gianne de Genevraye ( Gianne has generously donated 100% of proceeds made from this painting to the RCD so your bid will directly support local conservation efforts in the mountains that inspired the artwork. 

Bids begin at $1,000. Enter your bid now at the following link: For more information please contact Jeanne Dancs Arthur at [email protected] or Jelly Kahler at [email protected]

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