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PINNIPED PARTY! California Sea Lions 
They are fast and powerful swimmers and divers who love to hang out with their friends at the beach. When things are good, it’s a...
OVERBOARD! Yacht Harbor Mania 
“Believe me my young friend, there is nothing—absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” —Kenneth Grahame, The Wind...
A Whale of a Tail 
Every spring, California gray whales make a monumental pilgrimage from their winter breeding grounds in the warm lagoons of the Sea of Cortez to their...
The Malibu Movie Colony 
The Malibu Beach Colony got its start in 1926 as a tiny strip of bungalows by the side of the sea. It quickly became the...

Kamakshi Hart Returns to the Stage 

After a critically-acclaimed tour of her first show, ‘Wild At Hart: A Tale of Trauma & Triumph,’ Kamakshi Hart returns to Corazón in Topanga with her new play, ‘Resilient AF: Rising To The Occasion,’ a bold, hope-filled and timely one woman show. She models how to build resilience and navigate the land mines of a traumatized world through sharing her stories of sexual assault, intimate partner violence and abortion. 

“As a result of the pandemic, I was suddenly seeing the terms ‘building resilience’ and ‘trauma-informed’ everywhere and often misunderstood. Clearly 2020 brought trauma into our world view in a way that we could never have imagined,” says Hart. “I felt compelled to share more of my experiences as a sexual assault and intimate partner violence survivor in a way that would demonstrate what resilience really is and support understanding of living with a trauma history…”

Kamakshi will be performing her show, Resilient AF: Rising To The Occasion, at Corazón on Sunday, October 2, 2022, from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM. General admission is $25. More info at

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