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Topanga Symphony Performance Oct, 29 

The Topanga Symphony, the Santa Monica Mountains’ only community orchestra, announces the Fall 2023 free concert date of October 29, at 3:00 P.M. at the Topanga Community Center 1440 North Topanga Canyon Blvd. Music Director Jerome Kessler will conduct “Jericho Overture,” by William Foster McDaniel; “Overture, Scherzo and Finale,” by Robert Schumann; and, “Violin Concerto in D,” by Ludwig van Beethoven with Ken Aiso, Violin. Ken Aiso currently serves as Professor of Violin and Viola/Director of String Ensemble at Loyola Marymount University, Violin and Viola Faculty at La Sierra University and Viola and Chamber Music Faculty at Biola University. Mr. Aiso has appeared as principal violinist with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, the London Philharmonic and the Tokyo Symphony. This is the first time Ken Aiso has performed with the Topanga Symphony. 

According to the African Diaspora Music Project, “William Foster McDaniel’s composing career has focused on adapting traditional art music genres and instrumental combinations to a modernist musical vocabulary.””Jericho Overture” by William Foster McDaniel will be the second piece of Mr. Foster’s performed by the Topanga Symphony.The Topanga Symphony has been presenting free classical music concerts for the public for 41 years because of the support of LA County Department of Arts and Culture OGP and Creative Recovery grant programs, donations from “Friends of the Topanga Symphony” and local businesses and has recently received a grant from LA County 3rd District Supervisor Lindsay Horvath’s Discretionary Funding Program.

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