The Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains (RCDSMM) has produced a 12-part educational Wildfire Defense Video Series. The videos cover wildfire preparedness, fire ecology, and how-to’s for home hardening and defensible space. The series was funded by CALFire and can be viewed on the RCD’s website at or in their YouTube channel at On a cool night in mid-May, 100 guests and partners celebrated the release of this virtual series at a Wildfire Video Premiere Party held at LA County Fire Department’s Malibu Forestry Unit in Calabasas. The event also featured guided walks through chaparral, tours of the Fire Resilient Demonstration Structure & Garden and family-friendly activities.
The videos come at a time when many residents living in high fire risk areas are searching for more information on how to protect their homes from wildfire. With the introduction of AB 3074 in January 2021 and anticipated enforcement of defensible space in zone zero, many people have questions about wildfire defense, affordable home-hardening, zone zero, etc. The Wildfire Defense Video Series, available with both Spanish and English subtitles, aims to answer these questions and provide information for residents to get started on their own wildfire mitigation.
Over the last five years, the RCD has stepped up as a local leader in wildfire mitigation and homeowner education. In addition to the video series, the RCD hosts, a website vetted by technical advisors from both Los Angeles and Ventura Counties on home hardening, defensible space, native plants, and community preparedness. The RCD also offers free Home Ignition Zone Evaluations to residents in high fire risk areas. To sign up for your free consultation, register online at