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Local Democrats Open a New Get-Out-the-VoteCenter in Santa Monica

Local Democrats Open a New Get-Out-the-VoteCenter in Santa Monica 

With the 2024 elections less than 100 days away, local organizations are coming together in a big way to turn out and sway voters. One of Topanga’s own, the Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains, is part of a consortium of Dem groups contributing to what’s known as the Westside Democratic Headquarters (WDHQ), a brick-and-mortar Get-Out-the-Vote center on 3rd St. Promenade in Santa Monica. The HQ will have a soft opening Thursday, August 22, throwing a watch party to view Kamala Harris’s historic DNC nomination acceptance speech. Its grand opening is scheduled for September, after which the space will be open daily.

The multi-club partnership running the HQ includes PDSMM, the Santa Monica Dem Club, West L.A. Dems, Malibu Dem Club, Heart of L.A. Dems, Stonewall Dems, Westchester-Playa Dems, and many others.

These HQs train and equip thousands of volunteers to make calls and texts to swing states for national races, and in California for local ones, host candidates and ballot proposition forums, feature debate-watch and other parties and events, charter trips to Las Vegas for voter registration and canvassing, offer a large selection of political merch and lawn signs, and provide a gathering place for anyone who wants to make a difference in the 2024 elections.

More information can be found at

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