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Free Sustainability Classes at SMC!

Free Sustainability Classes at SMC! 

Expert faculty prepare students to address some of the greatest challenges of our time from creating just and sustainable futures, to exploring solutions of emerging technologies and ensuring social benefits for all. Get the skills you need to be part of the solution.

Free Classes:

SST 901 – Fundamentals of Sustainability

SST 902 – Sustainability Outreach

SST 905 – Organics Recycling

SST 908 – Impacts of Policy on Sustainability

These classes are part of the following certificates, which can be earned by taking three classes in each area:

  1. Sustainability Assistant introduces students to sustainability principles, community engagement, education and outreach, and policy governance. Completion provides a pathway to jobs as entry-level sustainability assistants and coordinators, community engagement representatives, researcher assistants, customer service representatives, and project management assistants.
  2. Sustainability in Organics Aide certificate will teach you the goals of a sustainable food system, ways of reducing food waste, and how to implement an organics collection program in the workplace, home or community.
  3. Sustainability Service Technician certificate will introduce you to and prepare you for careers in the waste management industry.

Enroll here:

This is a link to the catalog for other classes offered in winter at SMC

Classes begin January 4th, 2023. Most classes are online.

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