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The Jester and the King
Work/Life Balance

The Jester and the King 

it’s time to write, said the king. 

i can’t find my favorite pen, i said. 

this isn’t the right chair. 

i don’t have enough time. 

make the time, said the king. 

sit on the floor.  use the ink of your tears. 

i’m not any good, i said. 

if i do it then everyone else will know 

that i’m not any good. 

you are energy in ecstatic motion. 

you are perfect as you are, said the king. 

but there’s a monster inside, i said. 

it’s trying to break out of the cage. 

it must be destroyed. 

the door is unlocked, 

and your monster is invited, said the king. 

it’s not safe. 

there’s a porcelain doll in there. 

the world will break her. 

she is stronger than you think. 

and Love will always protect her, said the king. 

i’m but a silly jester, i said. 

i have nothing to contribute

but awkwardness. 

it’s time to write, trickster.  

enough of this tomfoolery. 

i see you

i hear you, and i love you. 

your laughter lights the night-time sky.

the world needs you, said the king. 

it’s time 

to write. 

to sing. 

to dance. 

to cry. 

to love. 

to grow. 

it’s time 

to walk through fear 

with love in your heart 

and a spear by your side. 

to be the peaceful warrior you are. 

to stand for Love, 

and only Love.

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