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The Fantasy of Sylvia Park 
The coin is a little bigger than a quarter. It isn’t decorative, but it has a nice weight to it, and the words stamped on...
Chapparal Yucca 
We saw the white fire of the yucca, Lighting the mountains— And still along the trail Spring’s flowers lingered for summer. —Madeleine Ruthven, “Yerba Buena,”...
A Day at the Beach 
“A little sea-bathing would set me up forever,” pronounces Mrs Bennet in Jane Austen’s 1813  novel Pride and Prejudice, expressing the desire to spend the...
Life on the Edge: Endangered Species 
The least Bell’s vireo, a small songbird most Angelinos have never seen or even heard of, has been in the news lately. This federally listed...
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Insect Architect at Work 

This tiny architect was spotted building her complex and elegant nest of interlocking hexagons on a patio furniture cushion in a Topanga garden. Although paper wasps resemble their cousins yellow jackets and hornets, they aren’t aggressive and will only sting if provoked. The paper used to build the nest is made from the cellulose fibers of plants, mixed with the wasp’s saliva to form a tough durable papier mache material. This type of wasp can be a good neighbor, preying on the kind of caterpillars that are a nuisance to gardeners. Just don’t sit on a nest by mistake! Photo by Bonnie Morgan

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