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TNTV Valentine’s Day Special
Who is Skip Próximo?! We don’t know! All we know is that he is the special guest host of TNTV’s Valentine’s Day music special, and that he—and it—will be amazing. Join us on February 14, ?-? For music, romance and laughter.

TNTV Valentine’s Day Special 

If music be the food of love, play on!

—William Shakespeare.

Will you be our Valentine? Join  TNT’s own DJ and MC extraordinaire Brian Chapman on Valentine’s Day for a TNTV love fest of songs from local bands and musicians streaming live on Topanga New Times’ Facebook page @topanganewtimes 

TNT’s TNTV channel debuted last year, with our Musical Community Event on Memorial Day that was DJ’ed by Brian and live-streamed on Vimeo and Facebook for more than four hours. That event featured Topanga musicians Colin Hay, Cecilia Noel, Miguel Perez; Deb Ryder; The Blue Dolphins; Melanie Kareem; The Lost Tribe; The Chants; the Kelp Dwellers, Sam Small, Stacie Burrows, and many more. It was a hit, attracting a surprisingly international audience, with viewers tuning in all over the canyon and all over the world. 

Look for our Valentine’s Day special to feature even more musicians, bands and incredible music. What’s on the program? We don’t know—the level of security is higher than it is for Disney’s WandaVision—no leaks here! 

We can, however, guarantee an amazing afternoon of music and a few surprises, including the debut appearance of an unusual and multi-talented guest (who is Skip Proximo? We don’t know that either, but we are looking forward to finding out). 

Please join us live on February 14, beginning at 7 p.m. Happy Valentine’s Day from all of our hearts. XOXO, The TNT Crew.

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