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Open Air Gallery – Pop-Ups
A closer look at Laura Andrews’, ‘Oshibana Art LA’ open air installation. Her artwork brightened up a Topanga foggy afternoon.Photos by Saori Wall

Open Air Gallery – Pop-Ups 

Spring is just around the bend and Laura Andrews’ Oshibana Art LA pop up installation budded in Topanga Canyon last week. Lauren Andrews is an oshibana artist; the centuries old practice of arranging dry pressed flowers and other botanicals into a work of art. Often these dried flowers are painted. 

The Open Air Gallery is not a permanent installation but rather a pop up gallery, supporting artists in the canyon who prior to the pandemic had more opportunities to showcase their work outside of the brick-and-mortar gallery, at art fairs and events.

For more information on Laura Andrews and her artwork, check out her Instagram account @OSHIBANAARTLA

Open Air Gallery is not a permanent install but rather an example of how one local artist has pivoted to showcase her work on the road to recovering from this pandemic.
Every piece is made with real dry, pressed and hand painted flowers.
Laura Andrews’, ‘Oshibana Art LA’ pop up installation sprung up in the canyon last week. Instagram @oshibanaartla

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