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SAMO Fund Sign Program

SAMO Fund Sign Program 

The Santa Monica Mountains Fund is giving away Break the Poison Chain garden signs free of charge to anyone who requests them. The signs are part of SAMO Fund’s Break the Poison Chain campaign, established in partnership with the National Park Service to help provide information on the catastrophic impact of rodenticide on local wildlife.

“Only a few types of anticoagulant rodenticide are covered by the temporary state moratorium on rat poison, SAMO Fund Executive Director Charlotte Parry told the Topanga New Times. “So, the problem continues. People are still using rat poison and this is still sadly affecting our wildlife.”

The signs are a way to help spread the word throughout the communities of the Santa Monica Mountains. Parry is hoping that Topanga residents will join the campaign.

“We hope SAMO Fund’s Break the Poison Chain lawn signs will help in a small way to raise awareness in neighborhoods of this issue,” she said. Email [email protected] to request a sign.

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