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ArtBeat, Calendar, Music

Ripped from the NYT headlines: 

Live Music is Back!
(Live Music is Back?)

The irrepressible energy of artists is bursting out into the open across the country and in our mountain communities there is no exception. Starved of their audiences, musicians, singers, actors and artists are striving to make live events safe and possible.

With this issue our expanded Calendar reflects this energy and cautious reopening. The Theatricum holds a repertory season; Corazon in Topanga opens its doors; and, event organizers are getting creative using private venues. Parking lots are the new gathering places. Some brave, optimistic souls are launching tours!

For over a year we’ve posted events free of charge as a service to the community. As the Calendar grows we need to be a bit more selective; in addition we’ll be offering Featured Events that receive larger coverage, description and graphics for a small fee. We now have separate sections for Music, Arts, Nature and Wellness.

As always, we will continue to point our readers to other sources as we grow and evolve with these “new times.”

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