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Enter the Isle of Plumii<br data-lazy-src=
Kit Plumridge leather head sold with NFT. Photo courtesy of Topanga Canyon Gallery

Enter the Isle of Plumii
June 17—July 3. Reception June 25 

Kit Plumridge leather head sold with NFT. Photo courtesy of Topanga Canyon Gallery

After 40 years of fine-tuning a unique concept that incorporates physical art, digital art, and world building, Kit Plumridge introduces us to his “Isle of Plumii” at the Topanga Canyon Gallery. 

The upcoming show at Topanga Canyon Gallery on Saturday, June 25, 2022, will showcase Plumridge’s eccentric concept. The entire collection of art has been morphed into an NFT* collection. Unlike the majority of NFTs that only depict the digital image, the Isle of Plumii NFT collections offer both the digital art and a real, physical art piece. Plumridge was also able to include in his digital art, songs from Frank Zappa’s Album, Roxy By Proxy. Super rare Frank Zappa NFTs and matching silk scarves will be available for purchase at the show. 

One collection of NFTs for sale during this opening is based on the 15 characters that live on the Isle of Plumii. When you purchase one of these NFTs on the day of the show, a digital version of the NFT in the Blockchain is created and the purchaser will also receive a matching pure silk scarf that can be worn or displayed.

Isle of Plumii runs from June 17—July 3, Fridays Saturdays and Sundays, 1pm – 7pm.

For more information, visit: or contact:,

* According to Wikipedia, a non-fungible token (NFT) is a financial security consisting of digital data stored in a blockchain, a form of distributed ledger. The ownership of an NFT is recorded in the blockchain, and can be transferred by the owner, allowing NFTs to be sold and traded.

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