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Recycling and Resource Management Classes and Certificates at SMC 

Santa Monica College is now offering the first Collegiate Certificates in Recycling and Resource Management in the US! 

RRM 1: Introduction to Recycling and Resource Management (3 units) 

This course introduces general terminology and principles regarding waste, recycling, resource management and Zero Waste. The history of waste in California, including residential and commercial reuse, recycling, and composting is addressed. An overview of legislation and regulations is provided.

RRM 2: Culture and Zero Waste (3 units)

Key course issues include carbon footprint, laws, community based social marketing, and cultural mindsets. The course will identify key agencies and policies and how to collaborate and obtain funding for outreach. Educational skills, programs, and methods will be examined for effectiveness.

RRM 3: Resource Management and Zero Waste for Communities (3 units)

This course will identify how resource management and Zero Waste policies and programs are developed within a community, what type of planning and facilities are needed, and how to finance the systems. Students will review sample sustainability and zero waste plans and discuss different approaches communities have taken to develop Zero Waste goals. 

RRM 4: Resource Management and Zero Waste for Business (3 units)

This course will provide hands-on applications and tools for businesses to design, implement and oversee waste reduction and resource management programs. Best practices are reviewed for successful waste diversion and recovery, detailing how businesses can implement those practices to achieve Zero Waste. Examination of case studies will be used to demonstrate how different companies have implemented successful waste diversion and sustainability programs, including triple bottom line business practices.

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