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Archaeologist Unearths Topanga’s Ancient Past

Archaeologist Unearths Topanga’s Ancient Past 

Topanga Canyon Blvd. runs right over what was once a vibrant, extensive, and historically significant Native American cultural history site. Learn more about the history under our feet at the next Topanga Historical Society event, March 8, featuring archeologist Andrew York. Historical photo of Pine Tree Circle c. 1920s, courtesy of the Topanga Historical Society; artifact photos courtesy of Andrew York

Extensive remnants of a village were recently discovered during utility installation under the Highway 27. The discovery halted construction, while an archeology team was called in to investigate and survey the site. 

At the March 8 meeting of the Topanga Historical Society, Archaeologist Andrew York, who headed the recent surveys, will describe the resulting work that recovered thousands of artifacts from a vibrant, historically and culturally significant Native American settlement right under our feet in the heart of Topanga.

This was one of the biggest archeological discoveries in the Santa Monica Mountains in decades, and the presentation is a rare opportunity to learn about the lives and material culture of the first Topangans. 

“The Village at the Crossroads,” presented by Andrew King, Wednesday, March 8, 2023, at the Topanga Community House, 1440 N. Topanga Canyon Blvd. Potluck dinner at 7 p.m., presentation by Andrew York at 8 p.m. 

Learn more about the Topanga Historical Society, including details on this event and how to become a member or renew a membership at

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