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Community Wildfire Mitigation Training

Community Wildfire Mitigation Training 

Learn how to conduct Home Ignition Zone Evaluations on February 9th & 10th!

During this training attendees will learn about wildfire regimes and the importance of home hardening and defensible space practices on a community-wide scale. After two lecture portions are completed, attendees will get the chance to do an in-person structure analysis and receive a certificate of completion.

Both portions of the training will be held at the RCD’s office located at 4505 Las Virgenes Rd, Suite 215, Calabasas, CA. 

RSVP and find a detailed agenda at the link below!

Become a Home Ignition Zone Evaluator

The RCD is looking for paid, part-time Home Ignition Zone Evaluators to help conduct evaluations on residential properties in the Santa Monica Mountains and surrounding areas. 

Evaluators will play a key role in educating the community and helping residents prepare their homes and landscapes for wildfire. This can help save homes from fire damage and protect important habitat in the Wildland Urban Interface. 

No previous experience in wildfire mitigation is required! Find Out How To Apply Here on the RCD’s website:

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