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Zoom Medicare Workshop 

The Canyon Sages invite everyone to an informational Zoom event on Thursday, November 9 at 6:30 p.m. The topic will be Medicare – everything you always wanted to know about it but were too confused to ask. Bruce Johnston, a licensed broker with decades of Medicare experience, has been brought back by popular demand to explain the intricacies of the program.

If you fit any of these categories, you should be sure to tune in: you are on Medicare but want to know more; you are almost Medicare age and need to know everything; you aren’t there for yourself but want to help a parent or friend figure out the intricacies of Medicare.

When and how do you apply? What does Medicare cover? What is Medigap and do you need it? How much does a supplementary plan cost? Are your drugs covered? If you’re not happy with your plan, how do you change it?

Bruce will be there to answer all your questions. So join the Zoom November 9 at Questions about the event? Contact Tam at [email protected].

And if you’re Medicare age or close and haven’t already done it, join the Canyon Sages, Topanga’s only organization by and for older adults. They have low-cost classes, free clubs, free monthly dinners and a strong service group to reach out to those at risk and lobby for their needs. To join and/or volunteer, check out the website at or contact Michele at [email protected]

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