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PINNIPED PARTY! California Sea Lions 
They are fast and powerful swimmers and divers who love to hang out with their friends at the beach. When things are good, it’s a...
OVERBOARD! Yacht Harbor Mania 
“Believe me my young friend, there is nothing—absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” —Kenneth Grahame, The Wind...
A Whale of a Tail 
Every spring, California gray whales make a monumental pilgrimage from their winter breeding grounds in the warm lagoons of the Sea of Cortez to their...
The Malibu Movie Colony 
The Malibu Beach Colony got its start in 1926 as a tiny strip of bungalows by the side of the sea. It quickly became the...
Looking for Volunteers for Adamson House DocentTraining

Looking for Volunteers for Adamson House DocentTraining 

Volunteers are needed for the docent program at the Adamson House in Malibu. Adamson House docents are trained volunteers who share the history, art and architecture of the historic house and gardens through guided tours. They also staff the Malibu Lagoon Museum. 

A six week training program is beginning soon. Participants will join in a six-week training program that includes classes on local history from the time of the Chumash to the acquisition of the house by State Parks in the 1970s, and an in depth look at the famous Malibu Potteries’ tiles used extensively to decorate the house. Classes are scheduled from the end of March through early May. The cost is $50 for training materials. Learn more at

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