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TNT Salon Series
Thyme herbal tea, view from above, space for a text

TNT Salon Series 

Our audio feature isn’t the only exciting new development at Topanga New Times. If you’ve ever wished you could find out more about our features, now is your opportunity. We’ll be pouring the Tea at the Topanga New Times office at Rosewood in a quarterly series of lively, live, discussions featuring TNT contributors and some special guests. 

Our first salon for 2023 will feature TNT editor and local historian Suzanne Guldimann who will be taking us on a ride on the Hueneme, Malibu, Port Los Angeles Railroad—Malibu’s legendary ghost train, discussing the history of the railway, and the woman who built it, May Knight Rindge. 

Suzanne’s work on the story of Rindge and “the Train to Nowhere” and her subsequent “Ghost Train” piece in our January issue has garnered over 5,000 views on our website. Clearly there are some rapt history lovers out there!

We hope you’ll join us. Look for more details, including the date and time, in the next issue of TNT!

This artwork—a beautiful colorized version of an original historic photo of tracks that crossed Malibu in the early 1900s—was created by Urs Baur as our January 23, 2023 cover.

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