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Every year, thousands of volunteers help conduct the Homeless Count, an annual census of people experiencing homelessness across Los Angeles County to inform homelessness policy decisions and better direct resources to be able to address the homelessness crisis.  

Volunteer are currently needed in Malibu for the Los Angeles Homeless Authority’s (LAHSA) 2024 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count taking place on Wednesday, January 24. 

The city of Malibu began contracting for homeless outreach services in 2017, beginning with two outreach workers and expanding in 2020 to include a housing navigator, to help get unhoused individuals off the streets and into housing and comprehensive services. 

The numbers in Malibu have declined from a high of 239 in 2020 to 71 in 2023. Outreach, especially locating and connecting with homeless individuals is an essential part of that success, and volunteers can make a real difference. Learn more and sign up to volunteer on the LAHSA website, or contact Malibu Public Safety Liaison Luis Flores at 310-456-2489, ext. 236 or [email protected].

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