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Hunk-ta Bunk-ta Seasons

Hunk-ta Bunk-ta Seasons 

Songs to Celebrate All Four Seasons

Another album by Katherine Dines

Katherine Dines is a national treasure and one day she may be stuffed in the Smithsonian. But until that awesome day, let us gather and enjoy these 12 songs celebrating the four seasons, so if you’re counting that makes 3 songs per season. Summer wanted more, but tough luck to winter.

Things you might not know about Ms. Dines:

1. She is the winner of 39 national awards (40th is right there!)

2. She has been an artist for three decades (probably started at age five)

3. This is her lucky 13th album!

4. She knows American Sign Language like the front of her hands.

5. She’s a fifth generation Coloradoan (is that a word?)

What does Hunk-ta Bunk-ta mean? The longer phrase has been in the family for six generations. Her grandmother used to call the kids to dinner at the top of her voice. Rumor has it you could hear her in Wisconsin. You’ll get the gist when you bounce around on Katherine’s website.

Let’s get down to the meat and potatoes of the songs, or plant-based alternatives if you like. Thanks to co-producer and arranger James Coffey all the songs have a gentle appealing quality and will stand up to countless listenings. Spring brings us hope and new life, summer brings the fun, autumn brings the leaves and the Jack O’Lanterns and winter brings us back to snow and more fun with Sleigh Ride. Seasons won’t be released until June 28, so drop Katherine a line at and let her know you want your copy hot off the press. I’m Hunk-ta-Bunk-ta outta here. Keep your ears peeled.


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