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Young Filmmakers—Deadline is Sept. 16, 2024

Young Filmmakers—Deadline is Sept. 16, 2024 

Topanga Film Festival announces the upcoming Submissions Deadline for the 2024 Topanga Film Festival Young Filmmakers Showcase. TFFYS aims to reach as many young filmmakers from around the globe as possible and are inviting all students who have a short film, to submit it! While the Topanga Film Festival celebrates its 19th year, the Young Filmmakers Showcase is thrilled to be kicking off its 4th year. They have received exponentially more submissions each year from filmmakers in Los Angeles to those as far as Australia. As part of the festival, there will be a live screening of the Official Selections as well as a Virtual Screening as part of the TFF Festival. The Young Filmmakers are celebrated in two age brackets, 7-11 and 12-17 years old, and all genres of short films are welcomed. There is an outstanding achievement in several categories and it is the goal of the event to support and encourage as many young filmmakers as possible! 

For more information and to submit,

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