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The Topanga Historical Society Celebrates The Topanga Symphony 

The Topanga Symphony will be having their 40th anniversary on Sunday, October 9, 2022 at The Mermaid, 20421 Callon Drive, Topanga. Starting at 12 pm there will be a potluck lunch, followed by a performance by quartet of symphony musicians and a presentation by conductor Jerome Kessler, at 1 pm. 

The Topanga Symphony was founded in 1982 and has since presented a regular program of free concerts. It consists mostly of unpaid amateurs and students, with some professional musicians. Jerome Kessler has been the Music Director and Conductor of the Topanga Symphony since its inception. He is also Director of the Hollywood Chamber Orchestra and I Cellisti. A cellist and composer, he has toured nationally.

Learn more about the event at

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