New Study Finds Field Lab Spread Radiation During Woolsey Fire
Radioactive particles from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL) spread during the Woolsey Fire in 2018, despite repeated claims to the contrary from officials and agencies, including the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). A study of 360...
National Weather Service Office in Los Angeles Announces Forecast Zone Changes
The Malibu coast is getting its own weather zone. The change is part of a four-county National Weather Service zone revision. Southern California’s diverse topography creates what the NWS describes as “a complicated weather regime that is very challenging...
Climate: The Harvest Starts with Soil
We are delighted to welcome a new contributor to our “changemakers” series. Dancer, social activist, Move the World founder and now community compost promoter with Full Circle Compost, and sustainability educator with her Drawdown series of workshops, Cecilie Stuart...
RCDSMM Research Reveals 14 Bat Species in Topanga
New research reveals that Topanga is home to 14 bat species—twice as many as previously known, and the new finds include several rare and unusual species. Rosi Dagit, the Senior Conservation Biologist for the Resource Conservation District of the...
Pumped: The Toxic History of South Coast Oil
The Elly Platform oil spill at Huntington Beach has refocused attention on the hazards and history of offshore oil drilling on the Southern California coast. The Chumash took advantage of natural petroleum seeps, using the tar they collected to...
Oil in the Water: The Huntington Beach Oil Spill
An oil spill at Huntington Beach has clogged the Orange County coastline with as much as 132,000 gallons of toxic crude oil. The United States Coast Guard, which is overseeing the cleanup, described the spill as “a major marine...
Chasing Arrows to Nowhere
California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a bill into law prohibiting the use of the chasing arrows symbol on material that is not able to be recycled. This symbol has led consumers to wrongfully believe that placing packaging in...
Discussions of modern political divisions in the United States often include comparisons to the most divisive moment in the country’s history, the years leading up to the American Civil War (1861-1865). The suggestion here is that we should probably...
Film Review: Ginger Snaps
Ginger Snaps is an odd and gruesome cult classic from the year 2000, directed by John Fawcett, and co-written by the director and Karen Walton. The film is set in the small, fictional town of Bailey Downs, Canada, where...
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