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Calabasas Council Votes for 100 Percent Renewable Energy 

The Calabasas City Council enthusiastically voted 4-1 to approve the city’s moving from its current Clean Power Alliance (CPA) member 36% renewable energy tier to 100% renewable energy tier at its meeting the night of January 27th. This means that for 7-11% more of the monthly energy bill, residents and businesses will be using clean energy solar and wind power instead of the current 64% dirty energy power mix that includes the most dangerous greenhouse gas: methane from natural gas. Plus, a large percentage of natural gas is produced from fracking, which also has negative groundwater impacts. This is, to date, the single most important action Calabasas has taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. As long-time past and current Environmental Commissioners noted, Calabasas has a long history of environmental stewardship and policy action.

The Clean Power Alliance is an innovative, locally-operated electricity provider, serving Los Angeles and Ventura counties, which offers clean, renewable energy at competitive rates across 32 SoCal communities. Calabasas joins 14 other municipalities enrolled in 100% renewable energy, including its neighbors Thousand Oaks, Malibu and most recently Agoura Hills.

For more information about the Clean Power Alliance:

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