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One-Room Schoolhouse 
Back to school. A hundred years ago in Topanga, it would have been on foot—and often barefoot—to the little, red, one-room schoolhouse by the creek...
Desert Voices 
“‘Just now our blood dances to other music.’ They fell a-twittering among themselves once more, and this time their intoxicating babble was of violet seas,...
Desert Daytrip 
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Big Dig at the TCC Garden 

Sign up for an hour and help your community center! Please: family groups only at this time so that there is no concern about wearing masks or social distancing.

There are rakes and shovels available. NOTE: You may want to BYOG (bring your own gloves) or wipe down these tools prior to use!

Signup at If none of the time slots work for you contact president@ directly to arrange an hour of your choosing.

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