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Canyon Sages Fall Events
Portrait of a great horned owl. These intelligent, long-lived raptors are an important part of the ecology of the Santa Monica mountains, and a much loved presence in Topanga. All photos by Suzanne Guldimann

Canyon Sages Fall Events 

Join the Canyon Sages for Book Talk on Tuesday, October 10 at 2:00 P.M. at the Sages Room at the Topanga Community Club.

Meet Kenneth Miller, Topanga resident and author of Mapping the Darkness: The Visionary Scientists Who Unlocked the Mysteries of Sleep. In his book, Kenneth explores two important and fascinating questions: “Why Do We Sleep?” and “How Do We Sleep Better?” Gain insight into improving your sleep and your health at this Book Talk with the Sages. Author Kenneth Miller is a contributing editor to Discover whose work has appeared in Time, Esquire, Rolling Stone, Mother Jones and many other publications. Book Talk is moderated by Topanga author Linda Ballou. Join Canyon Sages for this free event. Refreshments will be served. 

If you are a Topanga author and interested in being a presenter at Book Talk, contact Linda Ballou, [email protected].

The Canyon Sages will also offer a garden design and fall planting class, led by garden guru Sarah Priest on October 3 at 1:00 p.m. in the Sages Room. 

“Sages will meet to explore garden design secrets and Fall planting for Topanga,” states Sarah. “We will provide insights into creating your own garden sanctuary using native plants and seeds, plants eaten and used by indigenous peoples here, food plants brought in by settlers, pollinators, bloomers, and fragrant herbs. Discover your own inner landscape designer and learn some tricks of the trade—proportion, scale, repetition, focal points and more. Maximize what you have in your own personal “micro-climate,” then freshen things up with some new ideas!”

Sages will have the opportunity to become founding members of the Sages Garden Club. Possible topics for the new club to explore include small property gardens, hillside management, drought tolerant and sustainable planting, garden art, composting, and more. Bring your own ideas and consider presenting in your area of expertise. For more information contact Sarah Priest [email protected] or call (310) 403-2503. Visit for calendar listings for Sages events.

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