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Announcing OAK TREE Club

Announcing OAK TREE Club 

OAK TREE Club is an after-school & enrichment program on the Cali Camp & Manzanita School Campus located in the mountains of Topanga Canyon (CA). 

OTC is operated by a team of experienced educators, specialists, counselors & coaches. This program upholds core values of inclusivity, self empowerment, equality & freedom. A hub for ages 5 and up to gather, be supported and decompress after school. This program is giving students the opportunity to be mentored, develop leadership skills, express their creativity & discover their passions.

OAK TREE Club offers an array of enrichment activities & language classes Monday through Friday from 3:45pm-5pm.

Tutoring is also available 5-6pm on selected days. 

To find out more details about packages & rates, please visit

You can also contact us via [email protected] or Instagram @oak_tree_club 

We look forward to having you join the OAK TREE Club Community!

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