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Palisades Democratic Club Hosts Dreamer Guest Speaker

Palisades Democratic Club Hosts Dreamer Guest Speaker 

Every Dreamer’s story is different; what unites them is that their families brought them to this country when they were children for a chance at a better life, and they are still fighting for that chance.

Elias Rosenfeld graduated from Brandeis in 2020. When he was 6, his family came to the US from Venezuela to escape antisemitic threats and kidnappings. When Elias was 12, his mother died. Suddenly Elias “fell out of status,” finding himself undocumented despite being fully integrated into American society, but he didn’t give up hope.

In 2012 Elias became one of the youngest Dreamers to advocate for DACA—President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. What’s next for DACA and the Dreamers under President Biden? Elias is the guest speaker at the Palisades Democratic Clubs next Hot Topics talk on June 27, on Zoom. “He will dive into the tumultuous topics of refugees, immigration, and America’s role as the land of opportunity and a beacon of hope for the oppressed,” a press release for the event states.

The event is free, but donations are welcome, and a $10 donation is suggested. To learn more or sign up, visit

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