The Coastwatchers, TNT’s original fiction series set in Malibu during WWII, concludes in this issue. Our story began in December, 1941, just after the United States entered WWII, and ends on Christmas, 1942. Coastwatchers focuses on the experiences of...
This is TNT’s annual holiday season round up of new books by local authors and new books on subjects of interest to our local community. For more local books published earlier this year, check out our summer reads list...
Fungi can cure or kill, nourish life, and also decompose it back into soil. Fossil evidence for fungi is limited, but the ability to analyze molecular data has led to revelations about the evolution of this extraordinary family of...
“And still of a winter’s night, they say, when the wind is in the trees, When the moon is a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas, When the road is a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor, A...
Daniel Wolfgang Zeller passed away peacefully in the evening of January 16, 2024, at the age of 86, attended by his wife Nancy and sons Jacob and Joseph. Dan was born June 9, 1937 in Berlin, Germany to Max...
An inspired staged reading of an exciting new play by Katherine Moar based on real events—the provocative engrossing drama of what happened at England’s Farm Hall in 1945. Six top nuclear German scientists are cut off from the outside...
Radioactive glassware is a hot commodity—literally and figuratively. Uranium glass, colored with the radioactive element, was manufactured throughout much of the nineteenth and early twentieth century. Pieces like this hand-blown art glass vase are popular collectables today, prized for...
The war continued to escalate all summer in Europe and the Pacific, but the sun shone every day in Malibu, California. Jessie and I spent whole days at the beach. I learned to swim and to surf. A friend...
Every winter brings king tides to the California coast—some of the highest and lowest tides of the year. King tide isn’t a scientific term, but it has become a popular way to refer to the astronomical high tides that...
John Marshall served as Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court from 1801-1835 and is largely seen as giving life and meaning to the third branch of our nation’s government. In 1833, a boy was born in Kentucky...
Winter King Tides make the headlines at this time of the year for their potential to cause coastal flooding, and as a grim warning of what sea level rise may look like on the West Coast in the future....
Emmy-award-winning make-up artist and perfumera Leanne Hirsh landed in Topanga seven years ago. “I’ve been a make-up artist for forty years, since my teens,” said Leanne, who just won an Emmy for applying Jada Pinkett Smith’s make-up for her...
“I can’t believe she’s wearing that!” “I wish I had the money he has.” “I want my life to be more like hers.” Jealousy can have a variety of different faces. From a psychological perspective, when we feel jealousy...
West Basin Municipal Water District (West Basin) announced the launch of its “Being Water Wise Is…” student art contest. Completed entries from service area students in grades three through 12 are due Friday, March 15, 2024, by 5 p.m....
Learn how to conduct Home Ignition Zone Evaluations on February 9th & 10th! During this training attendees will learn about wildfire regimes and the importance of home hardening and defensible space practices on a community-wide scale. After two lecture...
Volunteer with the Resource Conservation District to plant native oak trees! Help to reforest the woodlands of the Santa Monica Mountains. RCD is hosting two volunteer events in the coming weeks. During both events, volunteers will help RCD staff...
Join the Palisades Democratic Club on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2024, 2 – 4 PM (Doors & Zoom open 1:30) Open to all—in person on the Palisades Charter High School campus, Mercer Hall, or on Zoom! The Pacific Palisades Democratic...
I think I remember what it was like to be a teenager. Those years fill my head with a multi-sensory mosaic of sounds, scents, and images. On weekends, open mic nights and turntables, packed coffee houses, warehouses, church basements,...
There’s a light. Her name is Helen Yoon. In her passing, after privately battling cancer, a fracture was felt in the center of our little town, Topanga. She held that center together in many ways—that is not hyperbole. I...
Surfing was big in the 1920s. The sport, recently exported from Hawaii, attracted some unexpected enthusiasts. George Bernard Shaw gave it a try. So did “It Girl” Clara Bow. Dame Agatha Christie mastered surfing on a wooden longboard in...
While teaching eighth graders about the American Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s, I tended toward emphasizing the larger picture of social and cultural change because this is what the state curriculum standards mandated; and for good...
[Surfing] is one of the most perfect physical pleasures that I have known. —Agatha Christie, An Autobiography In 1922, at the age of 31, British crime novelist Agatha Christie learned to surf. She was not yet the “Queen of Crime,”...
Every Holiday season, Topanga New Times chooses to honor a local non-profit for longevity, relevance and growth as a service organization. The Topanga Coalition for Emergency Preparedness (TCEP) is a 100% volunteer-run 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has been operating...
Meet the Krampus. This once-obscure ancient alpine Christmas spirit is growing in popularity in the United States. Santa Claus knows if you are naughty or nice. In much of Central Europe, Saint Nicholas still hands out the rewards for...
I love a good spicy gingerbread cookie. Crispy and sweet with the warm color, and flavor of black strap molasses. Making gingerbread cookies was a Christmas tradition in my house for years. Especially when my kids were younger. They...
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” ~George Santayana, 1905 In The Fourth Turning is Here: What the Seasons of History Tell Us about How and When This Crisis Will End (2023), historian, economist, and...
In the spirit of the season, I offer a few books that you might consider as a treat to yourself or, as my title suggests, as a gift for others. It is cliché to write that this or that...
A conversation with Ryan C. Coleman First-time novelist Ryan C. Coleman has penned an authentic account of the short dramatic life of Billy the Kid—born Henry McCarty, aka William H. Bonney—in Billy the Kid: The War for Lincoln County...