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A Message From the West Basin Municipal Water District

A Message From the West Basin Municipal Water District 

For area residents looking for ways to reduce their cost of living and increase their quality of life during these challenging times, sustainable home improvement projects can save water and money.

One useful resource for budget-friendly and eco-friendlier ways to improve water use efficiency at home is your local water district and/or utility.

Harold C. Williams, MSCE, P.E., President of the West Basin Municipal Water District, which provides drinking water to cities and county areas in the coastal Los Angeles area, notes how water saving programs available to residents provide an opportunity to become environmental stewards. “By saving water, not only are you saving money, but you are protecting your community and the Earth,” he said. “Using less water takes practice, until conservation becomes a habit. Sometimes you just need a little help to keep going, which is where we come in.”

Here are a few tips to help you kick off and keep up efforts to take better care of our earth’s water resources.

First, become more familiar with your water providers. You probably know who sends you your water bill, but do you know where they get their water? There are municipal and regional water entities, like West Basin, that offer their own rebate programs and partner with other utilities to provide conservation resources for the community.

Second, remember that businesses are community members too. Even though outdoor residential water use is a major area of focus, there are also programs to help reduce water usage in the commercial and industrial sector.

Third, take action today! For example: visit the West Basin website; view a list of water-saving devices qualified for rebates; check if you are eligible for free devices or rebates by taking a survey; sign up for a class; or email a representative to ask a question. Getting started with one of these actions could lead to hundreds of dollars of savings on a high-efficiency washing machine, a free rain barrel valued at approximately $100, incentives to replace grass and invaluable educational opportunities.

To learn more and view the full article, visit:

The West Basin Municipal Water District

West Basin is governed by an elected Board of Directors, who oversee the District and the programs that provide safe, reliable water.

Harold C. Williams – President

Gloria D. Gray – Immediate Past President

Desi Alvarez – Secretary

Scott Houston – Treasurer

Donald L. Dear – Vice President

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